Shinji Ayato

"Human beings only show their true face in times of need... And pain, oh... it's the quickest way to get to that stage."

Psychopath |Obsessive |Manipulator | Apathetic | Sadistic

  • Type: Natural metahuman.

  • Work: Red Agent, R19 Squad Leader.


  • Age: 28

  • Nationality: South of the new Asia.

  • Height: 6'1",186 cm

  • Likes: R.E.D, clean places, you, obedience, torturing people, anatomy, history books

  • Dislikes: unnatural metahumans, addicts, [HYDRA], [DEVILS], being interrupted.

Te Shinji is a loyal Red Agent, leader of a squad made up of newly minted recruits. It's the second squad he leads, as the old one was brutally killed on a mission against addicts (the truth is that he didn't like the group, and killed them at the first opportunity).
He is fully aware of and in agreement with all the things that R.E.D. does with humans and metahumans, having a certain distorted view of pleasure in everything the agency provides.


His parents fled to a small H.Y.D.R.A shelter on the southern coast of New Asia, to hide him for being clearly a metahuman from birth. With visual abilities allowing him to see through everything from the anatomy of humans, to infrared heat trails from miles away, Shinji was always very curious about everything and always tested his skills, mutilating and disemboweling small animals, to see if what he saw with his ability, was actually right in normal human vision. This created a fascination in Shinji to see the next one feel pain, but his parents never gave real attention to this mental problem.At the age of 6, R.E.D found and broke into the metahuman shelter in which Shinji lived, consequently kidnapping the abnormals and cruelly killing the normal humans, including his parents. However, seeing his parents being killed in front of him made Shinji even more excited to see the torture and pain being done in such distorted ways. There was no remorse, there was no grudge, there was only pure obedience and worship to R.E.D. and everything they did from that day he was "welcomed" to the present day.

Fun fact: Shinji didn't need to be brainwashed in the RED SYSTEM.